You deserve to live a life free of jaw pain, headaches, and discomfort. TMJ disorder, also known as Bruxism or teeth grinding, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. You're not alone. Here at BORO Dental Arts, we’re here with a revolutionary solution that's changing lives—Botox for TMJ. Request an appointment today through our easy online scheduling or give us a call at (917) 201-7999 to get started.
TMJ, short for Temporomandibular Joint, is the hinge connecting your jaw to your skull. It's a complex joint, and when things go wrong, it can lead to pain and discomfort. There are many reasons behind TMJ disorder; stress, teeth grinding, or an injury can trigger the onset of TMJ symptoms. Common signs include jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty opening and closing your mouth. Addressing these issues with Botox will relieve pain, minimize headaches, and promote better rest and overall health.
Botox, well-known for its cosmetic use, has stepped into the world of pain relief, right here in Long Island City, NY. But why choose Botox for your TMJ issues? The answer is simple—it works! It's non-invasive, minimally painful, and highly effective.
Botox for TMJ at BORO Dental Arts involves a straightforward and comfortable process. During a quick office visit, our experienced team administers precise injections into the affected jaw muscles. These injections relax the muscles, alleviating tension and discomfort associated with TMJ. The minimally invasive nature of the treatment means no incisions or surgery, and you can typically return to your daily activities shortly after.
Choosing Botox for TMJ offers a multitude of advantages:
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